Appreciate your response but it appears to be based on incorrect culturally conditioned assumptions where all the available evidence points in the exact opposite direction.
From European beaches where many women already feel comfortable enough to be topless and no evidence to suggest there are more predators. To the fact that despite there is indeed a long way to go you can’t deny the significant improvement on how women have been treated over the last century. This correlates to greater rights and freedoms gained by women, including less strenuous modesty standards.
At the end of the day if you want people to respect other people, whether it be gender, race, class, etc, you have to promote the idea everyone is equal. That means getting rid of legal/cultural standards that treat some people differently than others. If it weren’t for the legal barrier and media censorship reinforcing taboos it’s doubtful any would exist at all. That appears to be a big reason why a large part of Western Europe is more open than North America in this regard. According to The WomanStats Project Western Europe seems to be doing alright compared to everywhere else…