Appreciate your responce. Sure, if we were having this discussion 200+ years ago it'd be very easy to argue Christandom was just as bad if not worse.
But in todays world you're comparing a few bad apples to an entire orchard and saying they're the same. Take Dylan Roof & Co, multiply them by millions and you basically have a good portion of the Middle East and North Africa right now. Not just people but whole governments who would kill, torture, or imprission you for even suggesting LGBTQ *shouldn't* be killed...
That is what we're dealing with and to conflate salafists with Christians extremism is to miss the full scope of this issue. It's litterly millions to one in terms of urgency.
Look at the numbers from the Pew study I linked. Find me any research from any Christian-majority country where you have large majorities supporting stoning, killing apostates, whipping, etc. Even just one.
Lastly, you seem to forget the article is about Salafists and not Muslims as a whole so much of your argument is a straw man.